Our Story

Expérience Atlas Mountains is owned and operated by a local Berber family.

Deep in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, the ancient Berbers live on, defying a harsh environment and loyal to their traditions and way of life in some of the most hard-to-reach parts of the African continent.

Indomitable and proud, they call themselves the Amazigh, which is believed to mean “free people” or “noble men,” and trace their origins as indigenous people in western North Africa to at least 10,000 B.C.

The tribe is also known for its hospitality and humor, so expect some sarcasm along the way as well!
All of the team love to show visitors the authentic life of the people, because this is their backyard.

Expérience Atlas Mountains was established by Said, who was born, raised, and still living in Ouirgane Village, “The Ouirgane Valley.” He has a great love for this valley and has climbed, hiked, played, and worked here his whole life.
